Monday, May 23, 2011

American Products in France and Gracie's Parisian Twin!

       This post will be comparing some American products that are produced in France.  Just a quick update as I have to catch a flight to Ireland in an hour.  First though I wanted to compare the French pugs to American pugs.  Now my pug Gracie is the best pug in the world, but she is a little bit overweight.  I was walking around the courtyard in the Louvre the other day and noticed a lady walking her pug and had to get a picture.  The French have great taste in dogs!  Gracie is the top two pictuers and the French pug is on the bottom(I think you can tell the difference)(Actually found one picture where Gracie looks quite svelt so I uploaded it too).

            My youngest sister is a huge fan of diet coke so when we first got here she had my other sister run to the market to get her some.  Turns out they call it Coke Light here.  I prefer Coke Light I think just because people always say they are on a diet and point to drinking Diet Coke, but I mean other than less calories how much better is that stuff for you (sure isn’t any better for your teeth).

            Now my I love the French M&M’s.  That is because in France they only have peanut M&M’s so if you ask for a bag of M&M’s they give you a bag of peanut ones.  If you ask for regular M&M’s they just give you a weird look and say these are regular M&M’s.  Sorry no pictures available.

            I went to the market to grab some beer to pre-game at my sister's friends place and  turns out her parents left some beer there as well.  She just drinks wine so she said I could drink them (which I did) and took a picture since they were a bit smaller. 

            Lastly Subway had some smart planners because they are located in the middle of the red light district.  They obviously knew where any typical American tourists would be spending their time that would also be willing to eat at a Subway when there are so many other great food eateries in France.